Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Don't ever Stop Shooting for the Stars

I’ve made it half way through my internship and sometimes I feel like I just arrived yesterday. What do you like most about India? How’s the food? Are you married? Are you engaged? Who’s your boyfriend? Would you marry an Indian? Do you dance? Will you dance for us? Sing an American song!

These are the most common questions with just about any new person I meet. Marriage is such a central part of the culture here and especially at my age, I’m past due. 15%  OF GIRLS IN RAJASTHAN ARE MARRIED BELOW AGE 10. Think about that. Like my grandfather says, “You’re not getting any younger, Annie!” I thought I was curious and asked a lot of questions, these guys are no joke here and will keep you talking for hours, even when everything isn’t understood. It’s good to be in such a curious environment though because through curiosity comes learning which is blossomed into knowledge. The debates on religion and the existence of One God or many is also a big discussion. Having grown up in the church, my theology and knowledge of Christianity is quite well developed. This leads to the Hindu, Muslim, Christianity talk, which I love. At the end of the day, we can all agree on everyone is human and fight for the hope in humanity. 

I really do have a lot of time to think and ponder life. From working a front desk job where you know every one that passes by and stops to chat, to understanding about 2% of what’s being said, is tough. From speaking 60,000 to 1,000 words a day it changes your perspective on life. Watching the way people interact and react to certain situations reads more than the words they are saying.  I already was a people watcher but now you could say I’m a professional one (in the most non-creepy way possible).

However, it has lead to some great things. I’ve had great self-realizations and recognized areas to grow. When I get home, I’ll be graduated so I knew I need a goal, something to keep me motivated after such an experience. I’ve always wanted to go up to Alaska to work on the train or in the lodges so now was my opportunity before I started a “big kid” job. I applied to Alaska Wilderness, the nicest trains running through Alaska and after one skype interview, they offered me a job. I contemplated the offer but after thoughts on thoughts and pros/cons on pros/cons list I decided not accept the offer. The season runs May 7 till mid September which would give me 2 weeks in Oregon and then shipped off to Alaska for another 4 months, I couldn’t do that to myself. Let alone going from rural India with bucket, cold showers and squatty potties to tourist Alaska, the mind set switch would kill me.

So, I started compiling my loves for life and came to the conclusion my dream job doesn’t exist. Working for a larger company that’s always working to grow and challenge, involving international relations, fighting for a good cause and education/children would be ideal but all at the same time somewhat un-conventional. How do you fit that all together? Welp, I found it! After a lot of research I stumbled across this exact thing containing everything I want in a job. It’s going to take a lot of risk and just going for it but I know it’ll lead to amazing things! Even if I don’t fall into the exact company I want, I know it exists.

This is a version of the God of Education with song prayers written on either side

Baby Annie. Charcoal is put around children's eyes to keep out bad spirits.

I told the best friend I missed chocolate and coffee. So she fixed that with a package good old courier style!!! I literally started jumping up and down I received it. Half of it disappeared in three days.

I've come to this realization, I think I truly do live by YOLO and Nike's slogan of Just Do It. Why did YOLO have to get turned into doing dumb and irresponsible things?  You Only Live Once. Yeah, you do. So start living life to it's fullest. Take chances even when you might fail. You'll regret the chances you didn't take. Maybe it's a fear of the unknown but truly what do we have to lose? Just Do It! I live by quotes and they keep me inspired. Look into this and I hope it inspires you too. ~ Anna

"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars."

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