Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Don't ever Stop Shooting for the Stars

I’ve made it half way through my internship and sometimes I feel like I just arrived yesterday. What do you like most about India? How’s the food? Are you married? Are you engaged? Who’s your boyfriend? Would you marry an Indian? Do you dance? Will you dance for us? Sing an American song!

These are the most common questions with just about any new person I meet. Marriage is such a central part of the culture here and especially at my age, I’m past due. 15%  OF GIRLS IN RAJASTHAN ARE MARRIED BELOW AGE 10. Think about that. Like my grandfather says, “You’re not getting any younger, Annie!” I thought I was curious and asked a lot of questions, these guys are no joke here and will keep you talking for hours, even when everything isn’t understood. It’s good to be in such a curious environment though because through curiosity comes learning which is blossomed into knowledge. The debates on religion and the existence of One God or many is also a big discussion. Having grown up in the church, my theology and knowledge of Christianity is quite well developed. This leads to the Hindu, Muslim, Christianity talk, which I love. At the end of the day, we can all agree on everyone is human and fight for the hope in humanity. 

I really do have a lot of time to think and ponder life. From working a front desk job where you know every one that passes by and stops to chat, to understanding about 2% of what’s being said, is tough. From speaking 60,000 to 1,000 words a day it changes your perspective on life. Watching the way people interact and react to certain situations reads more than the words they are saying.  I already was a people watcher but now you could say I’m a professional one (in the most non-creepy way possible).

However, it has lead to some great things. I’ve had great self-realizations and recognized areas to grow. When I get home, I’ll be graduated so I knew I need a goal, something to keep me motivated after such an experience. I’ve always wanted to go up to Alaska to work on the train or in the lodges so now was my opportunity before I started a “big kid” job. I applied to Alaska Wilderness, the nicest trains running through Alaska and after one skype interview, they offered me a job. I contemplated the offer but after thoughts on thoughts and pros/cons on pros/cons list I decided not accept the offer. The season runs May 7 till mid September which would give me 2 weeks in Oregon and then shipped off to Alaska for another 4 months, I couldn’t do that to myself. Let alone going from rural India with bucket, cold showers and squatty potties to tourist Alaska, the mind set switch would kill me.

So, I started compiling my loves for life and came to the conclusion my dream job doesn’t exist. Working for a larger company that’s always working to grow and challenge, involving international relations, fighting for a good cause and education/children would be ideal but all at the same time somewhat un-conventional. How do you fit that all together? Welp, I found it! After a lot of research I stumbled across this exact thing containing everything I want in a job. It’s going to take a lot of risk and just going for it but I know it’ll lead to amazing things! Even if I don’t fall into the exact company I want, I know it exists.

This is a version of the God of Education with song prayers written on either side

Baby Annie. Charcoal is put around children's eyes to keep out bad spirits.

I told the best friend I missed chocolate and coffee. So she fixed that with a package good old courier style!!! I literally started jumping up and down I received it. Half of it disappeared in three days.

I've come to this realization, I think I truly do live by YOLO and Nike's slogan of Just Do It. Why did YOLO have to get turned into doing dumb and irresponsible things?  You Only Live Once. Yeah, you do. So start living life to it's fullest. Take chances even when you might fail. You'll regret the chances you didn't take. Maybe it's a fear of the unknown but truly what do we have to lose? Just Do It! I live by quotes and they keep me inspired. Look into this and I hope it inspires you too. ~ Anna

"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars."

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Getting cultured in India, Pop Cultured

Documentation, reviews, and write-ups are what this week consisted of so instead of writing about cool adventures I had, this week can be cultural happenings and daily living!

Every morning I walk out my front gate I never know what the day has in store for me. Next door is a hostel, a boarding school, with about 20 boys who live there age 7-18. They know when I leave for work and they know when I get home so I am greeted with “Hello, Madam!” “How are you?!” as they giggle and give me the cheesiest grins. Only a few of them speak English well enough to actually chat and I’ve already used up my Hindi database. It’s kind of a nice routine seeing familiar faces along the way as I walk to work, each at their perspective road side stands. I pass the same group of boys along the way who’s at first, harsh, skeptic stares have turned into friendly, laughing smiles.

Work opens up with a prayer every morning. The prayer is in song form with a leader and everyone echoes after. I kind of stumble my way through the copying, having absolutely no idea what I’m saying. Then we head outside for the national anthem because it’s a law that it’s not allowed to be sung under a roof.  Everyone stands with straight arms at their side and clenched fists while singing. I always picture myself in the Rose Garden singing the national anthem at this point and I get slightly excited and want to start cheering when it’s over, that might be awkward.....

You might think so much singing is weird and unusual, not over here! Im elementrary school we were all too embarrassed to even say the Pledge of Allegiance, maybe that was just me ;) Here, there is constantly song and dance. Everyone can sing (and does) and everyone dances, in the streets, in the office, during parades or when they’re bored. This is all apart of the culture and industry. Most all the Bollywood films have break out song scenes. We call these musicals, they call them everyday films. I quote a friend who says, “If I know a film doesn’t have singing and dancing in it, I won’t go see it.” This is true for both guys and girls! It’s MY dream! I have my films, favourite actors, dancers and singers now. You should probably check them out, right now! Salman Khan, a 52 year old body builder build, who sings and dances.. say what!? YOU BET! Favorite film Aashiqui 2 (a beautiful love story) and music from Gunday and Yo Yo Honey Singh.

Salman Khan. Most famous actor in India and I can tell why!

WATCH THIS^ My favorite song from Gunday! You better be dancing right now!

When I’m not traveling on the weekends I do yoga, read in the sun, do laundry (by hand, with a bucket, in my bathroom, and dry it by the sun), search new vacation spots, dance and eat great food! Food is a huge part of the culture in that at lunch, everyone has the naan and shares around their curries. Multiple times during the week we also go into the market to eat sweets and treats. One evening I probably tried 10 different kinds.  They are all so delicious!

Fresh pineapples all aorund

Pulled over on the side of the highway for this. A field of mouth freshnners!

I’m going onto week six of being here in Rajasthan and I still don’t believe I’m here most of the time. I sit on my rooftop terrace either in the blazing hot sun or warm, evening air, watching the sunset over the desert mountains, watching the dogs play in the streets, cows wandering by, aqua and lime green parrots fly by or families of monkeys swinging in the trees and have to remind myself this is all real. I’m still amazed when I see American zoo animals sauntering around. My favorite quote so far form a friend, “Free country. Free animals!” How true that is. Until next time. ~Anna

"There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars." -Jack Kerouac

Monday, February 10, 2014

Shattered Preceptions

One month down, two more to go! Any thoughts I’ve had about this wonderfully, diverse country have all been challenged, changed, redirected and shattered. I knew the western perspective had some misconceptions about India but I’m now realizing just how many. This week I had the chance to get to know two girls who came from Mumbai who just joined as part of the communications team. We spoke on many things together regarding Indian traditions, customs and the not so simple ways of life. From an outsider’s view women staying at home and working; cooking and cleaning and watching after the children is simple. Yes, the acts in and of itself may be simple but take a deeper look and there are many rules and customs to abide by. For example, when there are two bothers the oldest brother and the youngest brother’s wife aren’t allowed to have a relationship, at all. They can’t talk or see each other. When he enters the house he either coughs or calls to someone in order to warn her of his entrance so she’ll leave the room. In family pictures he’ll stand in the back and she’ll be brought in at the end, veiled and be ushered out first thing. The reason for this is to keep order in the joint family. If they don’t have a relationship it’s easier to give and take orders.

I have learned so incredibly much through these wonderful ladies and through conducting interviews with Team Balika members. This week I got to visit a couple more schools where the students adorably sang and danced for us and went to a temple opening festival. At the festival, was mass amounts of food for the whole entire village to be fed. Still there were dividers set up for the division of the different castes to eat behind. In some ways there is so much progress and in other areas the old traditions have such a tight hold still. Traditions are great in order to not lose the base culture but some traditions are very harsh in discrimination and dividing the people.

Chatting with the leader of the village at the temple ceremony
Chatting with the leader of the village, at the temple ceremony, in the middle of 150+ men

Happy face waving goodbye  
Happy faces waving goodbye at a girl’s boarding school

Hilarious man high asking to take a picture with me

The quote on the bottom says, "Woman today don't know how to pray but the speak English." We pulled him over because are proud of this fact!
The quote on the bottom says, “Woman today don’t know how to pray but the speak English.” We pulled him over because are proud of this fact!

The more people I meet, the more my mind is filled with knowledge and history. Watching the young girls in the hostel sing and dance, with an extra shimmer in their eyes because they don’t have to go back to a home where they may have to work lots or abuse takes place was remarkable. Hearing them giggle and call after me “Didi, Didi,” (Big Sister) is why I’m here; to help make this whole world attainable to them. If Educate Girls can enroll just one more girl or convince one more father to let his daughter study past the age of 15 then our work here is done. Fighting for the cause. ~Anna

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pure Joy and Hair Flying

Meetings, meetings and more meetings. Not only is it the end of the month so monthly review and planning was happening but the District Manager from Pali came down to discuss the past years goals and set new targets.  7-hour meetings ended up in passing notes and drawing pictures in our notebooks so I could understand the discussion. Amongst the discussions were things such as proper drinking, separate restrooms or electricity in the schools. It’s times like these where I find myself just listening and realizing this is actually an issue.

This week we also say goodbye to our friend and co-worker as she is taking another position up in Pali. One tradition that’s held at going away parties is you feed each other cake, just like at a wedding. Everyone took turns feeding and receiving cake from our departing one. So many fun traditions I’m constantly being exposed to and learning about.

Big City!!!!! I took my first vacation to Udaipur this weekend, also known as the City of Lakes, which is about 2.5 hours by bus.  Often it’s called “The Venice of the East” since everything’s built around the lakes and canals. During the day it’s bustling with tourists and making their way around to the gorgeous temples, the City Palace, nature reserves and markets. There are structures in the middle of the lake you can boat out to and just sit and relax. At night the city is illuminated by colors on the hills, immaculate hotel lights and the little structures along the lake side with changing colors.
One of my good friend’s fellows lives near by so he came to hang out for Sunday. We went for lunch at this wonderful restaurant where two different sets of tourists came in. They would look at me sitting with two Indians wearing a Kurta and just look so puzzled. One couple flipped through an ‘Indian Lonley Planet’ guidebook as they ate. I laughed to myself for I felt like this time, I was the tourist! So great!

This was exactly us! I clung on to my bag, as we weaved in and around traffic. Then we trippled, ha! :D

During the day it was hilarious to watch other foreign tourists' reactions as we drove by on the fellows motorcycle. I can only imagine their thoughts, “Oh no! A foreign girl on the back of an Indian man’s motorcycle I hope she’s okay,” or other foreign couples would stare as they wondered around trying to navigate or hoping their rickshaw was headed in the right direction.  It’s been a dream of mine to ride one and with pure joy and hair flying that dream was fulfilled. That night I also had some cold coffee that tasted just like my caramel frappaccinos, ahhhh!!!! :D How lovely it was to get a little break and …. to see foreigners! One sight I will ever forget was a party in the slums. As we drove past the small houses and tents you could hear music playing and cheering. A break in the hut's walls revealed many, many children gathered around an orange glow from a fire and two children dancing their little hearts out on a stage. What a cool sight to be seen. I'm going to try and paint it so I never forget that moment.

Teaching her the ways of American posing

Jagdish temple in Udaipur. #RipCity

Chocolate, banana pancakes and curry for lunch! Woohoo!

Bob Marley bringing it home. Language, culture, traditions may be different but at the core we're all humans who need love.

The city scape of Udaipur

With certain hotels not allowing foreigners, little begging children and the incredible beauty of the lakes and palaces, this city had it all. I'm excited to go back and explore more later.  Essentially I am here for work though, so back to the grind. ~Anna

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind." -Seneca